Prices and Terms & Conditions

Product PRICE per month INCLUDES
Membership £20
  •  One session per week
  •  Two sessions per week
Gradings £15

Anyone wishing to Join Devizes Judo Club must complete the Membership form during the first month of training.

Code of Conduct for Parents and Guardians (Aug 2024)

1) Encourage your child to learn the rules of Judo and play within them. Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their Judo.

2) Help your child to recognise good performance – not just results. Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes.

3) Never force your child to take part in Judo.

4) Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all.

5) Publicly accept an official’s judgement. Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials.

6) Never coach, or attempt to coach, your child when they are on the mat because it is unhelpful, rude and possibly dangerous.

7) Use correct and proper language at all times.

8) Parents should come into the main hall to pick their children up, NOT in the carpark.

9) Please always help to move the mats at the beginning and end of every session because more hands make light work.

10) Please always ensure your child’s kit is clean and tidy and always ensure that your child’s finger and toe nails are cut short to prevent injury

11) Whilst on the Silverwood school premises you are not permitted to smoke or permitted to exercise your dog.

12) Shoes MUST be worn when off the mat area

13) All mat fees must be paid when due (currently £20 a month for one session and £25 for two sessions a month per judoka). If you have not paid mat fees for two consecutive months you may be stopped from training at the club until all fees are paid in full. If you have a legitimate financial reason why you have stopped paying you must immediately report this to the coach on the mat.

14) Gradings will only be submitted to the British Judo Association when the grading payment has been received by Devizes Budo Club. All judoka must be a member of the B.J.A.

For your convenience you can pay Mat Fees via Standing Order or Direct Debit. A membership pack will be given to you at the club with all the relevant bank details.

Please email for more details.